That’s not my daughter!!

Where has my sweet innocent 6 year old gone? The one that was the perfect toddler and would do as I say without any question. Who wouldn’t answer back and wouldn’t smirk behind my back. This child currently in my house is not my daughter. Someone has swapped her!! Well if you haven’t guessed by

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Loss of respect for parents.

You know what? Growing old scares me. It scares me as I worry about how my child(ren) will treat me when I am older.  So much so that I am actually content just having the one child.   I did a post about looking after parents in old age here.  I find society these days

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Sex education at 8 years old?

Asalaam Alaikum/Hi All! Ever since reading this article I have been sharing it and discussing it with both muslim and non muslim parents. The general consensus is that they do not agree with it.  The camera pans to the bedroom. Soon, a computer-generated image of a naked man and woman appear on my screen.  They

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Me time = Selfish??

Asalaam Alaikum/Hi All! So today I have a slight cold and feeling a bit down in the dumps. My sister could tell I was a bit upset on the phone and she came round. She took munchkin out shopping and I think they are now at my parents house. To be honest I breathed a

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School Report!

Asalaam Alaikum/Hi all!! I am having a very proud mummy moment and just wanted to share it with you all! My munchkin got her school report today and she is doing very well Alhamdulillah! Am so proud of her. Throughout the Foundation Stage (birth to 5), children are assessed against the Early Years Foundation Stage

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Parenting: Appreciate your parents

Asalaam Alaikum.  I saw a client today at work and it really made me think. The poor woman’s husband had passed away some time ago and she had struggled to bring up 3 sons on her own. Now they are at the age where they can support their mother but it seems like they are

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