Project 366 – 9 September to 6 October

Weeks 37, 38, 39 and 40

I have been debating whether to continue with Project 366 and for a while decided I didn’t want to anymore. But am back to complete this year as it is almost over.

Monday I had ordered some treats for Minnie from zooplus and they sent me completely the wrong order. Contacted them and they wanted it returned. Minu all of a sudden hates nursery and screamed when I left her. She soon settled down.

Tuesday Another morning where Minu screamed at was so bad it almost made me cry. They sent me some pictures 30 mins later of her playing.

Back to Squirrels scouts. Going forward I won’t be attending as much as I will be supporting on with a new Wednesday section. We had some new Squirrels joining us so we went over the promise again.

Wednesday Minu cried again but not as much.

We had a training session this evening before we start the taster session for the new Scouts next week.

Thursday Minu woke up with a temp and a snotty nose so no nursery… I headed to the shops and realised Christmas chocolate is out!

Friday Bee’s first full week at school and she gets the first star of the week for her house group.

Saturday Bee turns 12 this weekend! Got the balloons today as the local shop would be shut tomorrow.

Sunday Headed to Leicester for a meal out for Bee’s birthday. I gave the papri chaat a try.

Monday A quiet one as I started feeling a bit rough – no pictures. Minu went of to nursery complaining she didn’t want to go but no major tantrums.

Tuesday Minu went to nursery quite happy today so think we are over the worst of it. Back to Squirrels today. I just went in to drop a book as was feeling rough and didn’t want to pass it on.

Wednesday Our first taster scouts session. We had about 20 girls turn up and 1 boy. They were put into teams to design a shield that represented their teams.

Thursday I don’t often go to the butchers as the husband usually gets all the meat. Headed there today and spotted these to give them a try. The girls said they were a bit bland.

Friday Treated the eldest to breakfast out as she heads off to university this weekend.

Saturday Eldest had to move into her uni accommodation between 10-11 so an early start. But thankfully its only about 1hr 20 mins away. Found the accommodation easily, unpacked the car, took her food shopping and then left her to it. Minu cried that we were leaving her sister behind.

Sunday As soon as Minu woke up this morning she demanded that we go pick her sister up. Had to try to keep her distracted for most of the day. The cat got read a book too.

Monday A quiet day. Eldest kept in touch, its freshers week with a few introductory lectures thrown in. No pictures.

Tuesday I wasn’t planning on going to the Squirrels session but we all needed distracting, and they were doing a campfire.

Wednesday A busy day. Nursery in the morning, toddler group in the afternoon and then Scouts in the evening.

Thursday Husband was driving in the rain and as a van went past a stone came up and smashed his side window. He is now out of work until Monday when the insurance can fix it.

Friday A quiet day. No photos. Eldest came home from uni for the weekend. Her lectures start on Monday and her first day is intense. She is enjoying it so far, has made friends and has joined societies.

Saturday Bee had a contact lense check up and I had my eye test too. All fine, and I don’t need a new prescription. There was some kind of wellness day happening in the city centre and spotted some Morris Dancers with a chicken.

Sunday Took the eldest back to uni. Took a detour to Leicester and had lunch there first. Thankfully Minu didn’t cry this time when we left her sister behind.

Monday Was craving the Karak Chai from Chaiiwala so the husband got some before he took his car to be fixed.

Tuesday We headed to the local cafe and soft play after nursery to meet up with some friends. Had lunch there.

Wednesday Our first proper Scouts session now the tasters have ended and started on the scientist badge. One of the activities was invisible ink.

Thursday I had received a book to review a few weeks ago. Finally got a review up on my instagram.

Friday After I picked up Bee from school we headed to the rowing lake to meet up with friends seeing as the sun was out. They have a small play area and a nice place to walk…but it was a bit flooded. Eldest was back for the weekend too.

Saturday A quiet Saturday spent at home. Eldest met up with some of her school friends who were also home for the weekend.

Sunday Dropped off the eldest…..found a restaurant not far from her uni. The place and food were nice.

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