Project 366 – 12 August to 1 September

Weeks 33, 34 and 35

Been relaxing these summer holidays and haven’t bothered with Project 366 – so a 3 week update.

Monday A quiet day, nothing planned. Just relaxing at home, no pictures.

Tuesday Decided to head to Heights of Abraham in Matlock Bath. Last time we went was around 4 years ago. I don’t think it was worth it with Minu as if you think about it there isn’t a whole lot to do. They have a couple of play areas but she was frightened to go into the caves. And one cave we didn’t even attempt as it was quite steep and difficult to manage with a pushchair too. Although the views were good, it ends up an expensive day out. We did end up having a nice meal at Tipu Sultan in Nottingham though.

Wednesday A quiet day. Just Minu’s toddler group. One of the neighbourhood cats wanted a fuss made out of it as we were leaving

Thursday A levels results day. Eldest was a bit disappointed with her results although I am really proud of her as she did get an A. She was 4 marks off a grade she needed for the university’s she wanted to go to but she still got offered a really good uni through clearing for the course she wanted to do. It is also in a city where I have friends and she has already been offered work experience with them. She is deciding whether to get her exam paper remarked as the other uni’s will hold her space.

Friday Decided to do another coat of white paint on the walls. Starting to look better and almost ready to paint it a different colour. By the end of the day started feeling a bit unwell with a headached and sore throat.

Saturday Another day at home as starting to feel worse. Eldest also starting complaining of a sore throat. No pictures.

Sunday Another day of resting and meds.

Monday Another quiet day…still not feeling up to going out or doing anything

Tuesday Eldest got mail from her uni with a helpful list of things other students have recommended she brings to uni. Started looking at that as need to start buying her things.

Wednesday Decided to get Bee her school shoes this week so we avoid the mad rush the next two weeks. We were lucky in that we got there and were immediately served and out within 15 mins. It was starting to get a bit busy as we left. Decided to treat the girls to lunch out as we have been stuck at home for the past few days.

Thursday A quiet day at home again

Friday Went to Minu’s group that are holding specials over the holidays.

Saturday A quiet day at home

Sunday Went to a local family fun day in aid of charity where we were also running a scouts stall to promote volunteering. Tried the burger – it was £5 but really nice.

Monday Bank holiday. The orginal plan and been to do nothing but the husband decided to take the day off and ended up going to Wicksteed Park. It was a but busy but the girls had fun.

Tuesday I was planning to recover from yesterdays day out but then a friend messaged to ask if we wanted to go to a local farm. So off we went, decided to make the most of the weather while it lasts. It was a bit windy but was still a nice day.

Wednesday A quieter day today with just going to Minu’s group.

Thursday Popped to the parents for a bit and then did a reel for a doll that Minu was gifted a couple of weeks ago.

Friday Had a meeting with the Squirrels Scout leader to plan the programme for the coming term and then headed to Full of Beans with friends. There is also a lake nearby with a play area and spent another hour there after the soft play session.

Saturday Popped into town to get a few things and came across a cafe I hadn’t noticed before. Tried out some of their cakes. This hazlenut and pistachio one was really nice.

Sunday A quiet day today at home. Did a final coat of white paint on the kitchen walls before I paint it another colour.

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