Project 366 – 5 August to 11 August

Week 32

A relatively quiet week.

Monday and Tuesday We didn’t do much and just relaxed at home. No pictures. I did decide to start painting the kitchen on Tuesday and then instantly regretted it. It is a dark purple colour and will need a number of undercoats before I can paint it a lighter colour.

Wednesday Our Wednesday toddler group. Minu was actually in a better mood this week and sat in the middle of the parachute so everyone could sing happy birthday to her for last week. Our Scouts group were meant to be going to the theatre for a STEM festival but due to the post going round that the EDL were coming to our city the leaders didn’t feel safe and cancelled. Eldest’s charity shop she volunteers in also shut down for the day to be safe and a lot of places shut early. The mosques have also been locking their doors and only opening then for a short period during prayer times. Sad times and does make me question who I can trust, especially after I unfriended a long term friend on FB as I had been noticing some of her posts have had racist undertones.

Thursday Headed to a local soft play with friends to burn off some energy.

Friday One of the toddler groups we used to go to each week are holding some summer specials and we managed to book onto it. It was nice to go back and Minu had fun.

Saturday We decided to head to Railworld as they were having a pony day. It has been a while since we last went and it is a nice place to spend a few hours. We then headed to the local country park as they had some fairground rides.

Sunday Headed to the local country park again as a friend runs a Nature Club there. Now that Minu is free we can join. We did some petal stamping, foraging and played in the woodland area. Was a nice way to spend a couple of hours.

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