Project 366 – 29 July to 4 August

Week 31

Minu’s birthday this week!

Monday It is Minu’s birthday tomorrow and I decided to get her some balloons today as we are out for the day tomorrow.

Tuesday Minu’s third birthday. It has come around so quick. We had booked tickets for Gullivers in Milton Keynes today but it was one of the hottest days of the year. Minu did get tired after a couple of hours and said she wanted to go home. We left after 3 hours and headed to Luton to eat.

You can see a reel of some of the rides she did go on.

Wednesday Just her toddler group today. She was meant to sit in the middle of the parachute while everyone sang happy birthday but for some reason she was in a rotten mood so they left it for next week.

Thursday Took dad to get his hearing aids today in the morning and then headed for lunch with a friend. Bee of course had to have the pancakes which were technically part of the breakfast menu.

Friday A quiet day today. Headed into town as needed to go to the bank and collect some parcels but not much else happened. No pictures.

Saturday A quiet day at home, doing the laundry and just chilling. Just a picture of Minnie in the garden.

Sunday A local charity, Children of Adam. were holding a fun day so we headed there in the afternoon. Rides and crafts kept Minu busy. You can see our reel.

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