Project 366 – 24 June to 30 June

Week 26

A quiet week

Monday Didn’t do much today. So a picture of Fidget.

Tuesday Our Squirrel Scouts were asked to bring in donations today to give to a charity…we managed to collect a fair amount and the charity came to collect.

Wednesday Our Wednesday toddler group. We did some painting on ice with holi powder paint which was pretty cool.

Thursday Our usual toddler group wasn’t happening as they had a special pirates event happening with the literacy trust so we headed there for an hour or so. Eldest had an induction with a local charity shop as she said she may as well do some volunteering work before she goes university, as its hard to find a summer job and with no experience too. Then in the evening it was our scouts AGM. Usually the Chair leads it but as she quit a few months earlier I had to speak…..public speaking isn’t my strength and I hated it…got so nervous.

Friday Bee’s final sports day at Junior school so headed there in the morning. Didn’t end up staying for all of it as Minu was being a bit grumpy, but Bee didn’t mind.

Saturday Some guests were coming to mums so headed there first things to help with the cooking for them. Then in the evening took some pictures of the garden and noticed the garden was becoming overrun with weeds. Really need to tackle them before the get worse.

Sunday Decided to tackle the weeds in the garden with the view to putting down some bark mulch to help suppress them going forward. After a couple of hours ended to a local funday happening in aid of Gaza. It was mainly some bouncing castles and stalls.

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