Project 366 – 15 July to 28 July

Weeks 29 and 30

Final week of junior school for Bee and so an emotional week….and 1st week of the summer holidays.

Monday Dad had been saying he wants to get some new shoes so took him shopping today. Minu also wanted to get some trainers…and of course she had to have a ride.

Tuesday A quiet day at home and then Squirrel Scouts in the evening. We were planning a campfire that was cancelled last week due to the rain, but again got cancelled due to the rain. It did eventually stop so we took the Squirrels for a walk around the forest area and then made a pretend campfire in the hall and pretended to toast marshmallows. The children still had lots of fun.

Wednesday Bee received a £15 voucher from school which was part of her Kindness award which she received a few weeks ago.

Thursday It was cultural day at Bee’s school so she was allowed to wear her cultural clothes. And then it was the School Fayre after school. I haven’t been to them before but decided to attend this one as she is leaving the school and stayed until the end. She had a go on the game and came second overall and won a prize.

Friday Final day of junior school for Bee and a leavers assembly in the morning. It was very emotional with photos and videos being shared, and musical performances by some children. Bee had been chosen to write and say a poem. I could hear her getting emotional but she managed to hold off the tears until she sat down. I think it is harder for her and she will be going to a different secondary school from most of her friends.

Saturday A quiet start to the summer holidays….a hot day and got the water table cleaned and ready to play with.

Sunday An activity day today with the Squirrel Scouts. Left at 7.30 in the morning and came home at 5.30 so a long day. The longest I have ever left Minu but she was fine with her sisters and dad. All the Squirrels had an amazing time! And I had a go at a few things too!

Monday A friend was going to the local stables to take her son for the stay and play session and asked if we wanted to go. Decided to book and take Minu. They get to groom the pony, have a 15 min ride, then give some of the horses an apple. Minu loved it!

Tuesday Decided to make the most of the nice weather and headed to a local farm with friends.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Spent these days at home or popped to the parents for a while. Didn’t do anything special so no pictures.

Saturday Had enough of being at home – so headed to the local museum who were having a fun day. To be honest there wasn’t a lot happening, so we headed towards the Cathedral instead who had a monsters under the sea exhibition – which to be honest I did think was a bit expensive.

Sunday Minu turns 3 next week and today we had her party. I don’t usually do parties on a regular basis, and especially at this age…but we won this party at the end of last year so made use of it. Had a fantastic couple of hours with friends.

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