Project 366 – 17 June to 23 June

Week 25

Monday Eid day for us today. But honestly didn’t do much. Sent Bee off on her residential first thing, and then went to mums for the morning and to eat. Then had to come home as the eldest wanted to revise for her exam on Wednesday. It didn’t feel right going anywhere without her and Bee….so a quiet afternoon at home. Sharing a picture of Minnie as didn’t take many pictures.

Tuesday A quiet day at home. Eldest was revising for her Biology exam and myself and Minu just chilled at home. The house is quiet without Bee here but there is less squabbling! No pictures.

Wednesday Eldest had her final exam today! Can’t believe its all over and she will be off to uni in September! Picked her up from her exam and then went to Minu’s toddler group. Then decided to eat out to celebrate the end of exams. Had some lunch and then had to try the Ben&Jerrys shop that opened recently. And then picked up Bee who returned from her residential and had an amazing time.

Thursday Decided to head to a farm as they have a toddlers session where they have a story, crafts and guinea pig cuddles. Eldest came along as this is a new farm we went to when she was revising and didn’t go with us. But they have horses and like me she loves them. Both girls got to hold the guinea pigs and I loved spending time with the horses.

Friday As we were tidying up the garden at the end of the day, Bee noticed the cat trying to get a baby bird in the bushes. The girls rescued it and put it in a shoe box…the local rescue wasn’t available so decided to keep him in the box and try to figure out what to do in the morning

Saturday  The bird survived overnight and we decided to put it outside in the hope its mum turned up…..and we locked the cat indoors. The mum did turn up and she was feeding it…then we don’t know what happened…..the baby disappeared and even its mum was looking for it. We didn’t see any other cats or predators around so really have no clue where it went. It was sad watching her look for her baby. Ended up getting the parasol out of the shed as its meant to be a bit of a heatwave next week. Although it is a headache to move it and the weights around to get the shade in the right place throughout the day. And yes I know the fence needs painting now that the new neighbours have thankfully finally removed all the ivy!

Sunday A quiet day at home. Was debating whether to attend the local march in aid of calling for a ceasefire in Palestine…but with Minu it was going to be too much…..working out what toilets to use on the route, then when she’s tired she won’t sit in the pushchair but wants to be picked up. And I didn’t want to be without the husband in case anything kicked off. So headed over to mums instead who isn’t well at the moment and spent the morning there. Came home and repotted some of my plants in the garden. Am loving all the roses in the garden at the moment.

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