Project 366 – 22nd April to 28th April

Week 17

Nothing special this week, usual routine.

Monday My nephew had gone on a weekend trip and I had asked him to bring home some chocolate. He brought these to share.

Tuesday Had my diabetic eye screening today. Had the same guy as last year putting the drops in my eyes and he is great, really puts you at ease. Then made the mistake of going shopping with the husband…..every time I was outside I could barely open my eyes – thankfully it wasn’t too sunny or it would have been worse.

Wednesday Our Wednesday toddler group in the morning. Sadly one of their guinea pigs had passed away. She was at the vet last week and they thought she would be ok, but then deteriorated. I don’t think the kids noticed, I only found out because I asked as she was at the vet last week. Noticed my fence was covered in my flower wall. Haven’t managed to tidy up the garden properly yet, but this looks so pretty already.

Thursday Back to our outdoor group today. We love being outdoors, but just wish it didn’t start at 9.30am!

Friday Headed out to toddler group and a coffee morning. Came home and found a postcard to Bee. She has started her own lunchtime club at school with the support of a teacher and they were proud of her.

Saturday The original plan had been to tidy up the garden but the weather is horrible all weekend. So a quiet one just relaxing. I had seen lasagna ‘soup’ mentioned on instagram. So did a spot of googling to see how everyone was making it….and then made my own version. It tasted really good, even if I do say so myself!

Sunday Just some cleaning and tidying up planned for today. Husband got us some chocolate before he headed to work.

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