Project 365 – Week 6 of 2023

Final week of school before half term

Week 6 – 5th February to 11th February 2023

Day 36 – Sunday

A quiet Sunday. Took some pictures of a game called Islamstory we had been sent, ready to work on a review.

Day 37 – Monday

Went to a Muslim Mums meet up first thing which was then followed by messy play. Was nice to get out, I needed it as been feeling a bit low.

Day 38 – Tuesday

Minu woke up extremely grumpy and with a runny nose. She was emotional and so was I so we didn’t end up going to our toddler group. Turns out it was the right decision as she went back to sleep and was asleep for 3 hours. Only problem was she was asleep in my lap and I couldn’t put her down as she kept waking up….so a netflix binge it was! when she woke up we put batteries in an old doll we found but sadly she didn’t work.

Day 39 – Wednesday

Didn’t go to todays toddler group either as Minu had a bit of a runny nose. It seems like she’s teething with the canines still trying to come through. Plus hubby’s friends were coming over and hubby was cooking….I didn’t want to go to toddler group smelling of curry! Eldest came home from school with university booklets as there was an event at her school. Can’t believe she will be applying for uni’s this year!

Day 40 – Thursday

Day started off a bit rubbish as Minu woke up grumpy. She soon had a nap and that made her feel a bit better. Had to pop to the shops and then in the evening she insisted on wearing her sisters bike helmet.

Day 41 – Friday

Minu still a bit grumpy and shouty….Minnie was very vocal during the night so I tried to convince her to go out again today and explore rather than sleep all day….but she came right back in. Not sure why she miaows so much at night!

Day 42 – Saturday

Minnie was again very vocal at 3am and I had to lock her in the conservatory as she was disturbing everyone. She then started having some strange episodes and it seems like she’s in heat. I contacted Cats Protection who said the vets she had been handed in to had clipped her hair and saw a scar…so said she was neutered. I sent them some videos and they are going to seek advice from their vets and get back to me.

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