Project 366 – Week 14

Week 14


Day 94 – Sunday 3rd April

A day spent at home sorting the garden out. Weeded, repotted some plant and planted some new plants. Did it all myself as hubby now has the excuse of hayfever!

Day 95 – Monday 4th April

Met up with a friend and were hoping to go to a farm for the day but the weather didn’t look good. So instead we went bowling and then had some pizza.

Day 96 – Tuesday 5th April

Trip to Alton Towers with the girls and nieces. Was a good day, although think the hubby had had enough by the end of the girl. Two of the nieces got stuck on Oblivion at the top because some fool was messing around with his glasses and they stopped the ride. Bee was freaked out by Oblivion just by watching it.

Day 97 – Wednesday 6th April

Emergency trip to the hospital with my dad after a referral by the GP, due to stomach pains. Apparently he was in agony yesterday but didn’t seek help. Pretty much spent all day in A&E waiting to be seen and dad was admitted for further tests.

Day 98 – Thursday 7th April

Quiet day today so caught up with some blog posts. Finally did a review of ‘Where No one Can See Me‘ which was sent to me from Singapore. Didn’t get to see the dad at hospital as bro and sis went during visiting time with mum. Just running tests and no answers yet.

Day 99 – Friday 8th April

Visited dad in hospital, absolutely hate the smell in some parts of the hospital. They had a scan today so just waiting for the results and the doctor to see him.

Day 100 – Saturday 9th April

Quiet day today. Munchkin had her eye test today. As we have short sightedness in the family I make sure she has regular check ups. Then some crafts at home.



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