Islamic Crafts: Painting pictures of mosques

This is the first in my series of fortnightly Islamic Crafts I am hoping to share with you. I realised that recently I am not doing many crafts with Bee, and especially not doing crafts with an Islamic theme to them.  So time to change.

Art and craft fun with the children doesn’t have to be a complicated affair. I am first to admit that I am not a crafty person so I look for simple but fun things to do with the kids. And our first craft couldn’t be simpler and easy for everyone to do: Mosque painting.

Google mosque images

Now mosques can be quite complicated pictures so we did a search for mosque silhouettes and found a few that looked relatively simple to cut out.

Mosque silhouette pictures

Cut them out and paint

Couldn’t be simpler right? We decided to do the painting in 2 different ways. Munchkin painted a background for her black mosque silhouette while with Bee I thought I would try something different. As her mosque picture was clear, we decided to paint it using a mixture of colours and with sponges.

Mosque painting

It turned out better than we hoped for and we glued the mosque back onto some paper. This could made an ideal homemade card for Eid to send to friends and family.

Tip: paint it before cutting it out otherwise the paint will make it wet and delicate, with the risk of falling apart!

Mosque picture painted with sponge

Once Munchkin’s background was dry we glued on her black mosque silhouette.

mosque silhouette painting

This craft is great to talk to the children about going to the mosque, talking about why we go, how to behave there..and the general importance. Something as simple as this can be turned into a great lesson.

Islamic Themed Crafts for Kids - Muslim Mummy (1)

If you are a blogger with Islamic themed crafts then do feel free to join in with our blog hop. Don’t forget to add the code to the bottom of your post so all the crafts shared show up. This blog hop will be live until the next craft in 2 weeks time.

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  • A great idea, Jazakallah. My 4 year old daughter loves Arts&Crafts but I am not that keen. So this is simple yet effective.