Desi Doll Company: Toy Giveaway

A few weeks ago I interviewed the founder of Desi Doll Company, Farzana, in my Saturday Spotlight Desi Doll feature.

Now, Desi Doll have been kind enough to allow me the opportunity to offer my readers a giveaway. And what a fantastic giveaway they have offered!

Desi doll giveaway

Included in the giveaway is:

  • English/Arabic Speaking Aamina Doll (RRP £28)
  • Fun Dough Arabic Letters (RRP £10)
  • IPray Salah Pad (RRP £17)
  • Story Sound Book (RRP £15)

We personally already had the Aamina Doll, the fun dough and the sound book and can safely say they are some of our favourite products. You can see a quick video of Aamina on my facebook page.  Bee loves her Aamina Doll and enjoys playing with the fun dough arabic letters which we recently reviewed.

Aamina doll

To enter simply complete the rafflecopter form below. The more steps you complete the more entries you will have.


All entries will be checked and you will be disqualified if not completed correctly
Winner will be notified within 48 hours of the giveaway ending. They will then have 28 days to respond to claim their prize. If they cannot be reached in 28 days then I reserve the right to redraw the giveaway.
Giveway ends 25/04/16 at 11.59pm

Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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