Project 366 – Week 4

Week 4

So far 2016 has been pretty quiet and uneventful, so seriously struggle as to what pictures to take!

Day 24 – Sunday 24th January

As Sunday is usually hubby’s day off we usually go out somewhere but he needed to get his car fixed to had a relaxing day at home finished off with a long soak in the bath.

Day 25 – Monday 25th January

Bee had her 3 year 4 month immunisations today. She went into the nurse all chatty and came out saying how much she didn’t like her. She was so angry she didn’t even accept a biscuit from the nurse afterwards, but the nurse managed to stop her crying by giving her a highlighter pen!

Day 26 – Tuesday 26th January

Decided to keep Bee home from nursery as she was saying her arms hurt. Not sure how true it was as she is a bit of a drama queen but thought it was better to be safe than sorry. My organic cinnamon arrived today. Heard that it can help with blood sugar levels so had ordered some.

Day 27 – Wednesday 27th January

Had ordered some plants a week or so ago as they were on offer. They arrived today! I have started my plant buying early this year! Hubby just sighed when he saw them.

Day 28 – Thursday 28th January

Went pilates in the morning and then just a quiet day. So you have a picture of Rosie who was following me around all day.

Day 29 – Friday 29th January

Spring is in the air! Spotted these at  my parents house so just had to take a picture. Looking forward to warmer weather.

Day 30 – Saturday 30th January

Took the girls to Toys R Us to treat them. Bee of course headed for the playdough. Munchkin got a model horse!

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


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  • Have you tried karela juice? People keep telling me about the wonders of it for diabetes. I never tried it though. Kids jabs are horrid (but good for them i know), I have Es next week, bleurgh!)

  • At least you did not have to be the big bad mummy for the injection, maybe her arm did hurt a bit.
    I am sure hubby will like the plants once they start to brighten up the garden.
    How much cinnamon do you need for it to have an impact?

    • Apparently you can get it in capsule form, but from what I’m reading it seems to suggest you only need a small amount but daily. So I am trying to put it on fruits etc

  • I’ve been struggling with taking photos this year, the play doh is always a good choice, good luck with the gardening, you should check out Annie Spratt HDYGG? How does your garden grow for a weekly link up

  • i spotted some snowdrops on Saturday – def s sign of spring! Mind you i saw blossom back in December so not sure what that meant lol! oh dear poor Bee and her injection! Burton was the same when he had his. He went in there with his doctors kit all happy and chatty and then was devastated afterwards !!! Hope the pilates is going well xx