Project 366 – Week 3

Week 3


Day 17 – Sunday 17th January 

Today we popped to Ikea in Milton Keynes. It is the first time we have been to Ikea and have to say I became addicted! So many nice things. Hubby had to drag me out! Found some pretty glasses.

Day 18 – Monday 18th January

Popped to Pets at Home to get Rosie some food and toys. I always stop to chat to the Degu’s. Think they are so cute and would love to have one.

Day 19 –  Tuesday 19th January 

Hubby brought home some Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Normally I would be pleased. I haven’t had much sweet stuff in over a month and to be honest no longer crave it. It doesn’t help either that if I have sugary stuff I feel ill. So gave most of them to the parents.

Day 20 – Wednesday 20th January

Not much happening today so a picture of Rosie posing!

Day 21 – Thursday 21st January

Had my pilates class in the morning and then picked up Bee and took her to the hairdresser for a haircut. She didn’t want it cut as she said she wanted to keep it long but it wasn’t very healthy at the bottom. The hairdresser managed to convince her to have it cut. Not as short as I would have liked it though.

Day 22 – Friday 22nd January

On the school run and Bee of course manages to find a puddle. Really wasn’t happy with a boy who purposely splashed her – he must have been around 6/7.

Day 23 – Saturday 23rd January

Bee got a temperature and cough overnight so a quiet day at home. She did some rock painting as even when ill she doesn’t seem to want to rest!

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