How NOT to bake brownies

Yes you read that right.

I am going to give you an invaluable lesson on how NOT to bake brownies.

There are so many recipes and instructions out there on how to make perfect brownies……but life isn’t perfect…and disasters do sometimes happen.

And seeing as I generally try to avoid the kitchen, it is no surprise that this attempt at baking brownies led to me wanting to curl up on the sofa in a fetal position and whimper away.

SO what possessed me to even try to bake brownies?

Me being the optimistic, agreed to test out some of Tate & Lyle sugars who have a new Taste Experience range of golden and brown Sugars.

Tate + Lyle


I was sent some Golden Syrup sugar which is described as:

‘The fairtrade cane sugar is rich and bold with a luscious, lingering sweetness and will enhance the flavour of your baking with a hint of distinctive Lyle’s Golden Syrup. It’s perfect in fruit desserts, marvellously moist cakes and to make a shimmering glazes for sweet and savoury dishes’.

I also received dark muscovado sugar which is described as having ‘an intensively rich and aromatic molasses flavour with a moist, fudgy texture. As I am not really a baker, I had never heard of this type of sugar, so decided I wanted to try it out.

Dark Muscovado Sugar


Although Tate & Lyle have recipes on their website, I found a brownie recipe elsewhere that I wanted to try.

It looked straight forward so I thought nothing could go wrong. And it didn’t look like it would take long to bake.



So what went wrong?

1. Don’t substitute items. 

I didn’t have any dark chocolate in the house, so I just used some chocolate that was lying around in the house. Hubby also went out to get some coco powder but the local store didn’t have some so I just threw in some hot chocolate powder ( I had already started it all and couldn’t wait for hubby to go further afield for the coco powder).

2. Don’t ignore the measurements given. 

Although I used the scales if the amount went over slightly I wasn’t too fussed….but I guess anyone would know it could make a huge difference.

3. Don’t ignore some of the instructions

If the instructions say to line the tray with grease proof paper then do it!

4. Don’t think you know better and ignore the cooking time!!!

Now this was my fatal flaw. The recipe said to bake for 18-20 minutes…….. I baked for a heck of a lot longer. I had the mentality that it had to be like a cake…..cooked through…. and as it was looking gooey on top I thought it was uncooked. So I think they ended up in the oven for around 30-40 mins!! I totally didn’t click that once they came out of the oven, the chocolate could harden.

SO harden it did. And it ended up chewy and then so rock solid that I am sure I could have cracked open someones skull with it. However, I did manage to taste some before it solidified and it DID taste nice……so I guess I could get away with saying it wasn’t a complete disaster.




However, I will not be defeated by brownies….and I WILL try again and conquer them! (If not then I am sure I will be able to use the sugar for another recipe, as it does taste lovely!)

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