Guest Post – Gardening, time to start preparing

My regular followers know that I love doing a bit of gardening and often share pictures of my flowers. I have decided to do more gardening related posts as now I am on maternity leave I will have some more spare time. My plan had been to take pictures of the garden and then the snow hit.Now that it has melted, I will do that this week.
In the meantime, a fellow gardener and admin of a gardening forum, Muslim Grower, has agreed to write some posts for the budding gardeners out there, with tips and suggestions. Please do check out the forum and join in. I have learnt a lot and was even inspired to attempt to germinate a mango seed! Riz is always pleased to help if you have any questions and I thank him for taking the time to write for the blog.

Its the last week of January and there isn’t really much to do in the garden except to see the snow covering the ground. This is the time for the early bird to slowly think about what to sow in spring, look for seeds you wish to grow and purchase a pack of each; remember the most poplar varieties of seeds get sold the quickest like tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers. There are some real good deals on seeds at Wilkinson’s, the cheapest I saw was 40 pence per pack with good germination rates. There are also many on-line seed sites that will sell you almost any variety of vegetable seeds you can think of.

If you wish to sow in containers you can pick up clay pots for a £1. You can sow almost all vegetables in the small clay pots, lettuce,radish,carrots,tomatoes, capsicum, the list goes on.. 

I would strongly advise anyone new to gardening to start making their own compost from kitchen scraps, waste paper,cardboard, garden trimmings. You would be so surprised in how much waste a small family generates over the whole year, making your own compost is very rewarding, you have just turned waste into gold for your garden and for absolutely free.  

Last year we had the wettest weather for over a 100 years here in UK and we still managed to grow vegetables broad beans, runner beans, sweetcorn etc..  

Won’t be long for spring now, remember the early bird catches the worm.


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  • Maa shaa Allaah, great ideas. I'm now thinking of getting pots & seeds. Thank you! Looking forward to more of these posts, in shaa Allaah.
