Book Giveaway: Breast Feeding: Stories to inspire and inform

I recently won a giveaway for the book ‘Breastfeeding: Stories to inspire and inform’ which I then reviewed. You can read the review here.

Now that I have read it, I thought it would be a good idea to hold my own giveaway to pass on the book to someone who may also benefit from it.
So if you would like the chance to win the book, then all you have to do is leave a comment saying why you would like to win it. Don’t forget to leave a way to contact you should you win.
Extra entries:
Follow me on google friends connect or networked blogs
Follow me on twitter @muslimmummies and tweet ‘I want to win an inspirational breastfeeding book with @muslimmummies’
Follow Breastfeeding Stories to Inspire on Facebook here.
UK entrants only
Giveaway will be closed 11/11/2012 at 6pm
Winner will be picked using random .org and will have 48 hours to contact me before the giveaway is redrawn.

Good Luck!


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