When things go wrong…….

……everything seems to go wrong!!

Have you noticed that when you DON’T want things to go wrong, that is when they do?!

At the moment I am trying to save as I want to decorate the house before baby arrives, and obviously because my income is going to drop substantially. (I am so used to having my own income to do with as I please that I will find it difficult not working!)

Therefore we do not need any necessary expenses as I am going on maternity leave soon..3 weeks!!..and more than likely won’t have a job to return to as I am at risk of being made redundant.

But life seems to have other plans.

First the washing machine broke down but that was simply the plug playing up so managed to get it fixed.

Then the oven on the cooker went! It wasn’t worth fixing so we had to pay for a new one.

Now the worst thing that has happened has.

Hubby’s car has been pretty much killed. Someone hit him. Alhamdulillah hubby is fine, (which is the main thing), but the car I think will be written off.

Seeing as his car is his source of income (he is currently using it as a taxi) this is SO what we do not need right now. We cannot afford for him to be out of work.

On the plus side he’s being given a mercedes benz tomorrow as a temporary car! Can’t wait to take it out for a spin!! (Yes I am a bit of a car freak!)Photobucket

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  • They say things happen in threes and it is true! It happened to me a few weeks ago.. washing machine, hoover and computer all in the same week! I could've cried. Anyhow I hope all gets sorted soon.
    OoOoO a Merc, nice! šŸ™‚ x

  • It seems to be more than 3's with us!! The laptop died a while ago, then hubby had had a minor accident before this one, his car had broken down aswell!!!

    List is endless!!

    Yep merc is definitely nice!!! šŸ˜€

  • That's rough on you! It happens with most of us that troubles catch us unaware and doesn't seem to end, lining up one after another. But these are temporary as anything else in life.

    Best wishes!

  • Sis, I am so sorry that you have these obstacles at the moment.
    Did you say 3 weeks to mat leave? Oh my. I pray that Allah will help you and your hubby get everything into order, not just because the baby is coming, but just to make things easier.

    We have been having some ordeals (hubs and I) and I truly feel frustrated, yet in the quiet moments I know that Allah never forgets his followers.

    Salam alaikum.